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first stage project中文是什么意思

用"first stage project"造句"first stage project"怎么读"first stage project" in a sentence


  • 一期工程


  • The first stage project had been finished in 1973 , and the seismic activities have become stronger since the complement of the project
  • All equipments are introduced from abroad with the most advanced level in the world . 15 million us dollars was invested for first stage project and the current production capacity has reached 400 million square meters
  • Under the deep concern and support from the leaders in all grades and hardworking effort of wide builders , the first stage project of the west china shoes centre industrial park has changed dreams into the reality , and achieved fruitful results during the industrial park construction , southwestern shoes materials trading center has been evaluated to be " chongqing commodities trading market top 20 ' , bishan has been conferred to be the honor of " west china shoes centre "
    中国西部鞋都工业园区一期工程在各级领导的关心厚爱、奥康集团的大力支持和广大建设者的幸勤努力下,已从梦想变成为现实,园区建设取得了丰硕成果,西南鞋材交易中心被评为“重庆市商品交易市场20强” ,璧山被授予“中国西部鞋都”荣誉称号。
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